
Sony A1 Quick Start Guide for Bird and Wildlife Photography


The Sony A1 needs no introduction. It is an amazing camera capable of capturing an incredible amount of detail at a blazing speed of 30 frames per second but getting the most out of this camera isn’t quite so easy. This guide will fix that problem by showing you exactly how I setup and use the Sony A1 to capture some incredible images.


The Sony A1 needs no introduction. It is an amazing camera capable of capturing an incredible amount of detail at a blazing speed of 30 frames per second but getting the most out of this camera isn’t quite so easy. This guide will fix that problem by showing you exactly how I setup and use the Sony A1 to capture some incredible images.

This guide does not cover the topic of setting up and using the A1 to record video. This guide is intended for photography only.

This guide also assumes you have a full understanding of shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how all three of these variables affect your final images.

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